Monday, April 22, 2013

A Conversation Leading Elsewhere

The exhibition -  Conversation Leading Elswhere presents new work- ink drawings by the artist - Maria Čorejová as well as a selection of works from the successful projects minds Games and Eo Instanto/ in this moment.

When we visited the exhibition we had a tour of the works and we discussed some of the main ideas in the exhibition such as
- how quickly life passes
- about  the pitfalls of life
- about beautiful and also bad moments in life

Then we chose a copy of one of Maria Čorejova´s works and developed it ourselves.

In my group we wanted to show all important features. We chose a photo of boat and we called it Friendship. Around the boat were planets , which depicted that boat carried all good features around the world into space. 

In my opinion the exhibition was interesting because we can feel different emotions , different views of life. :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Eart Hour


 Eart Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fun for Nature (WWF).On March 23,hundreds of milions of people in thousands of cities switched off their lights for one hour in a display of universal commitment  to protect the one thing that unites us all - the planet.

At 8:30 p.m is your local time :)

I think that it´a great chance to do something for our planet :)