Friday, February 8, 2013

Boys and girls are equal

Are boys and girls equal ?Everyone has their own opinion. I think, that we are all equal and have equal rights.In general , relationships between girls working in partnership, are equal,.but between boys works other princip.Somethimes boys need a leader,show their quality in the daily struggle for lead.Group of boys has  their boss,otherwise it is a continuing struggle.Obviously it is not always.

On the other side, boys are stronger, bigger than girls. In my opinion, is each girl and each boy other.Men and women usually do not realize that they have different emotional needs.Also someone say,that men have a similar style and woman different.But one thing is certain ,we are all people have equal rights. :)


  1. I like your comment that boys need a leader. I strongly agree with you in this.


  2. I don´t say, that men aren´t self-sufficient,I just summarized the views of people :)
